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Internet business owners who have attended past SBI! conferences had something to say about their experience. Read on and see if YOU feel inspired to go to the next one!
San Diego, California, June 4-8, 2009
San Diego introduced the M=TCVR monetization formula. Over half of the attendees came from the south-west United States, mostly California, but many from much farther away, including Peru, Scotland and Australia.
I own three sites: one I built totally myself (www.more-for-small-business.com), the other two I bought late last year (www.build-your-own-computer.net and www.organic-food-for-everyone.com). I work exclusively on the business site; the computer site is my husband's, and I help out on writing and monetization; and the organic site is one that my daughter and I work on together. Both the business and the computer sites are in very competitive niches.
Traffic Stats Before and After
Prior to attending the conference, our traffic stats in unique visitors per day were:
110 visitors for the business site (launched April 2008)
250 for the computer site (launched April 2008), and
45 for the organic site, which I renamed in February 2009 so the traffic has been starting over.
After attending the conference, and using what I learned, our traffic stats (unique visitors per day) are (as of today, August 5, 2009):
220 for the business site,
420 for the computer site
67 for the organic site
And all three sites continue to grow.
Income Growth
Income grew by a whopping 73% -- comparing July month end to June's month end and May's month end (okay that was on an admittedly small base but I believe I'm on the right track).
The conference helped me to focus on what to do, how to do it, when to do it and why it's necessary to do it. In addition to great SBI! trainers and coaches, we heard real-life success stories from Onuora Amobi, an SBIer from California, USA whose two successful sites www.windows-vista-update.com and www.windows7update.com are SBI! sites. We also heard from May Cropley, Fife, Scotland of the http://www.scotlands-enchanting-kingdom.com site.
The focus on the monetization formula really helped me to set goals for my three sites and to get much more analytical about how to get where I want to go. I feel I'm back on track and I'm seeing steady, incremental improvement and progress day-by-day.
I highly recommend attending SBI conferences you will learn how to improve what you've started! And the benefit is in the quick payback!
P.S. It wasn't all work. We had some great networking opportunities and the ability to meet new people and share stories and make connections with other SBIers was fantastic.
Kris Bovay
Coquitlam, BC, Canada
Internet Business Owner
The presenters were all great and provided invaluable information for business building and growth.
The M=TCVR theme provided another invaluable tool, and SBIers showed insight by demonstrating how it works in their business. I left inspired, and with a clearer understanding of how to use the SBI! tools.
The Conference was worth much more than the time and money. I am looking forward to the next one. Thanks to everyone who shared. Hope you are still surrendering to the process!
Annie Howell
Corona, California
Internet Business Owner
Most good conferences have a good flow to them and interesting presenters and the SBI! San Diego conference had both.
What I found most beneficial however was the willingness by all the speakers to answer ALL the questions that people had. It's a luxury that many conferences do not have. We should keep it as long as we can!
Many thanks to our organizers.
Darry McGaw
Delta, BC, Canada
Internet Business Owner
I also gained greater insight and understanding of the inner workings of SBI! such as what is on offer that I might access such as C2, coaching and WSRB, oh and yes, M=TCVR. Having someone explain these with loads of examples is so helpful where otherwise I would have missed using and knowing about these things altogether.
I realized that even though the initial price of SBI! is very low it is wise to invest additional cash and time into continually developing my knowledge of web marketing. The conference was invaluable. I would attend again.
Judith Hodges
Knoxville, Tennessee
Internet Business Owner
There was lots of information presented both for "newbies" and more seasoned SBIers. I fall somewhere in between with some SBI! experience so not a "newbie" but not a seasoned veteran. I thought the presentations almost to the one were great. Informative, professional and sincere good work on the part of some successful SBIers.
There was good focus to the conference yet the presentation team was flexible and did adapt somewhat to accommodate the needs expressed by the group present. I had lots of chance to network with the attendees and that was a big plus all around.
It was a group of interesting, motivated and like-minded folks. The hotel and the setting was great and the hotel staff very friendly and helpful. All in all it was an A ++. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Can't wait. When is the next one?
Melissa Moravec
Napa, California
Internet Business Owner
I just want to say that I've been to other Internet marketing seminars, and this one was by far the one that suited me the best. Why? The number of attendees was just the right size where we could feel close to communicate and exchange on a personal level.
All my questions were answered. I was able to speak with many of the other attendees. The atmosphere set by Kim, Don, and all the presenters was warm and inviting. They were all so approachable.
The only thing I might think of incorporating is trying to encourage having our meals together, like dinner for instance to further encourage getting to know each other.
My roommate was the best I could have gotten. It was a delight to share the room with her. We really hit it off as soon as we met!
Thanks Kim, Don, Carla, May, Betty, Onuora and Helen.
Romy Macias
Queretaro, Mexico
Internet Business Owner
The networking, learning, and growing were like no other professional conference many of us have attended. The Internet today is an explosive way to communicate globally. Each SBIer came with motivation and a willingness to listen, interact, and move forward. All SBIers through their website or sites, are constantly trying innovative ways through their expertise and the SBI! tools, to deliver high quality content, products, or services to all their online customers, clients, and visitors. These SBI! conferences allow attendees to listen to successful SBIers, experts from different SiteSell divisions, and other SBIers at various levels of their own line business.
There are thousands of professional conferences held throughout the world every year in hundreds of cities. Many of these conferences have wonderful agendas, great speakers, and a vast amount of learning. As we all know with some conferences many of us get back into our daily routine of our jobs and within a few weeks are swamped with other priorities. We begin to forget the insight we gained at that conference, or it doesn't top the to do list at different levels of a company. The SBI! conferences are just the opposite. SBIers walk away with a new sense of motivation, focus, and a better understanding of how to take their passion, knowledge, and with the help of SBI, create a powerful and successful website for all of you to benefit from.
Kim Carroll
Greenville, South Carolina
Internet Business Owner
Orlando, Florida, October 16-20, 2008
Orlando was great! It so exceeded expectations. About half the attendees came from the south-east United States, but many from much farther away. Scroll down or click to see some photos, and maybe someone you know...
We met lots of other SBIers from all walks of life with websites just as diverse as they were. Though we expected the spirit of sharing that Site Build It! is famous for, the helpfulness of every person and the comradeship shared by the entire group went beyond anything we could have imagined. Everyone, regardless of the age of their websites, had some tidbits of knowledge to share, and share they did!
There were SBIers who were in their first year, on their first sites, as well as those who had multiple sites and had been around for years. The passion of the newbies combined with the success of the old-timers made for an atmosphere of excitement all around.
For us, the best part about the Orlando conference was the introduction to SiteSell Education. Though we had talked with one another about wanting eventually to become SBI! instructors, we hadn't considered applying in the near future. After speaking with other instructors, and realizing that we were ready, we went for it! We are currently teaching our first class in Texas, with three more courses scheduled this year.
SBI! on its own has totally changed our lives, and the Orlando conference was icing on the cake! We'd be there for the California one, but we have a prior commitment -- our SBI! class! Otherwise we wouldn't miss it for the world.
Rayven and Ed Perkins
Internet Business Owners
Gerri D.
Internet Business Owner
I learned tips and tricks from experienced SBIers who have been there and done that. Until attending an SBI! conference, I felt as if I was working alone on my site. Yes, the forums are great -- but making those one-on-one personal contacts and friends helps me getting over the rough times and the countless "humps" we tortoise have to climb over.
If you haven't attended an SBI! conference I highly recommend it. What a great feeling it was to be sitting in a room full of people with similar interests, concerns, and passion. It's so contagious, my husband (who came along for support only) is now hooked on SBI! too and he sees the power of SBI!.
Thanks to all who set up these great conferences -- hope to see you at the next one.
Linda Robison
Internet Business Owner
I was both a presenter and an attendee at the Orlando conference, and both experiences helped me in many ways.
First, as a presenter, I loved the opportunity to share how I have been able to build impressive traffic to my site in the two years that I have been building my website, www.dog-paw-print.com, and was able to pass along practical tips that others could implement to do the same for their sites.
Because I shared my experiences with the group, I was able to meet many more of the attendees. I found that, because they heard me speak, they were encouraged to introduce themselves to me, and we talked more in conversations throughout the weekend. I would encourage all of you to think about presenting because you will inevitably get to know many more of your fellow SBI! community by doing so, and also get that wonderful opportunity of "paying it forward."
I went to the conference at a big crossroads that I had been stuck at for quite a long time. I had the desire to put retail products for sale on my site, but the "how" part of it seemed overwhelming and had me at a standstill.
Hearing some of the other presentations and having the opportunity to ask questions gave me enough of the answers about where to go next that I was able to come home from the conference and actually implement what I had been wanting to do for up to a year prior but was overwhelmed about how to actually take the next steps to make it happen.
The feeling of support I felt at the conference was truly wonderful. I knew when I left there that I could call or e-mail any one of the SBIers or even any of the representatives from SiteSell who attended and they would help me.
I went from simply having the IDEA of wanting to sell hard goods to coming back from the conference and putting up five items on my site, using PayPal buttons.
Now, less than six months after the conference, I am in the process of building an entire online store and will be going live with it in less than a month's time.
I am seeing my dreams come true!
Another wonderful outgrowth of the conference was finding out that I lived very close to Rick Hart, who has taken the idea of a local SBI! group that meets regularly and has made that a reality. I both attend and contribute to our local group efforts, and it has been a growing and supportive experience for me and has also given me another way to help some others as well -- all good to keep the cycle flowing. Rick, and others in the group have been a huge support to me as I have begun building my online store -- a very foreign process with all sorts of scary questions come up along the way that I have needed help with.
Going to the conference was not just an awesome three-day experience. It was something that I have been able to keep with me as I move forward with my business in terms of both knowledge I gained and the ongoing support from fellow SBIers who I met there and have kept in touch with.
I cherish the fabulous people I met at the conference, and I can count at least six people from the conference that I have kept in good touch with afterward and who have all helped me tremendously.
If you get the chance to go, give yourself that gift. I can promise you -- you will be forever grateful that you decided to go.
Lori Krout
Internet Business Owner
Wouldn't that be great? Real, live people helping each other in person. You can see the passion in their eyes. You can "show and be shown" right there together.
That's what the Orlando SBI! Conference was like.
And everyone was just as nice as you'd expect. Friendly and so willing to help each other. Don Coggan from SiteSell Education, Natasha Vincent (www.mydreadlocks.com) from eLearning, Kirby Swinemar ( www.learn-kenny-chesney-guitar.com) from SiteSell Education. These guys know their stuff. And getting in the same room with them is worth it.
And you know there will be a great group of presenters this time too.
And talk about good information... no matter what level you were at. Great presentations gave you some cool ideas and best of all... That motivation!
When you get back you can't wait to work on your site and try all the things you learned. You're really fired up.
And in my case it was even better.
We had about 25 people who lived close to Tampa so we continued to get together twice a month. We're still doing it 6 months later.
So to get to the point... If you have an opportunity to go to an SBI! Conference, you've got to go! You'll remember it always and your site will be much better because of it.
Rick Hart
Internet Business Owner
You can't replace the one on one exchange of information -- it's the greatest opportunity to advance your knowledge, meet some wonderful people and enjoy a profitable mini-vacation. I would recommend attending an SBI! conference anytime.
Susan Del Gatto
Internet Business Owner
I have read posts from people complaining about the cost of the hotel. We all did that with Orlando too. Like they explained, if you didn't read it, it is VERY hard to find a hotel that has a good conference room that seats everyone and isn't noisy. Mary does a great job, and spends an incredible amount of hours I am sure, finding the best hotel for everyone.
I also read that some people want to stay at a cheaper hotel and just come to the seminar. Once you pay the daily conference fee, I doubt you will save much money. What is important is that you will LOSE the "together" atmosphere that you share before and after each day.
Many of us spent time helping each other with our sites early in the morning and late into the evening. The time was truly priceless!!! Some of us still e-mail each other and help each other. While the forum is great, meeting in person is sooooo much better for connecting with each other.
Honestly, if my husband was not out of work I would be at the CA conference in a heart beat. You will be so glad you went! Also, if you think you are too shy or something silly like that, get over it! This is more like a family get together than you think. You can be quiet and just "watch" or you can get involved. Nobody is going to force you into anything, but I believe you will feel at home and will want to get to know these wonderful people.
OK, a recap....
2) It is WORTH what they are charging! (Remember they aren't even paying the speakers or anything!)
3) Pay it forward and see what you can do to help. (I shared what I know about drop shipping, and I have NEVER given a presentation before.)
Tracie Irvine
Internet Business Owner
I eventually did decide to pay the money and to go. I am so grateful that I did. There has not been a day that has gone by that I have not worked on my site since that conference. My traffic has quadrupled and is still growing. Every single session was so valuable. My site is producing business and last Friday we got $600 in orders. I am so excited about the future and it never could have happened without the Orlando Conference.
If anyone is debating about going... don't debate... just go.
Lynda Logan
Internet Business Owner
The conference was informative and inspirational at the same time.
I expected to learn a lot at the conference but I didn't anticipate the friendships that would form and the camaraderie that we would feel as a group. The support, the generosity and the willingness to help is what makes the SBI! Spirit extraordinary. This Spirit was ever so present at the conference and it is still with me, six months later and will probably always be with me.
One of the best things that came out of the conference for me, is a local group of SBIers that now meet twice a month close to where I live (in the Tampa Bay area of Florida). This extension of *in person* SBI! support has been tremendous!
In addition to learning a lot (from the presenters and the attendees) at the conference, I heard myself laughing all weekend. It was just an all around great time and an amazing experience! I would not have wanted to miss that and I am so glad that I went! If you have a chance to go to an SBI! Conference, I would highly recommend it! You will most likely find the support or knowledge that you may be looking for plus a whole lot more!
Susan Mathews
Internet Business Owner
Orlando Photos
At the Orlando SBI! Conference, almost all participants were wildly clicking away with their Kodaks. (That's retro-talk for sure!) Here's just a small sampling of some of the snapshots. See anyone you know?
So, will we see you in the pictures too? Check out the latest conference information and contact us for any information you need to help you decide about attending and improving your Web business.
SBI! Conferences

Cincinnati SBI! Conference
October, 2009

Edinburgh SBI! Conference
June, 2010
SBI! Conference Testimonies

SBI! San Diego
Each and every presenter added a new layer of information as well as their own unique spin. We were treated to live demonstrations of how they are accomplishing the tasks that we all need to take for success with our own web businesses.

SBI! Chicago
Ashley at Python Printable GamesNo matter what level you're at, you will come away from an SBI conference with something more than you expected to as you arrived. Looking down the list of topics before I went, I thought, "Okay, there's one I could miss" -- and yet, I'm so glad I did not skip a single topic, because it humbled me to realize how much each and every person had to teach me, even about topics that I thought I knew inside-out.

SBI! Dallas
Gale at Coton-Dec-Turlear-CareLike many SBIers, I have a day job and a busy life and make excuses for putting off some of the critical to success tasks like link building. This will never get me to my goals. The conference re-energized me and helped me remember why I am doing this. I am an E-business owner and I am in control of whether this business will be a success.

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