SBI! Conference Cincinnati October 22-25, 2009
The fifth official "By SBIers For SBIers" conference, this one was at the beautiful Garfield Suites right in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. The forecast was for bright and sunny times, and that's what it was in the conference room!
The excitement began with a welcome reception on Thursday evening, October 22nd at the hotel.
Friday the 23rd, Saturday the 24th, and Sunday the 25th were intense, value-packed days with a great line-up of expert speakers.
Hotel Information
Garfield Suites Hotel
Downtown Cincinnati
2 Garfield Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
This beautiful downtown hotel had much to offer. It's conveniently located close to shopping, restaurants and night life. It's within walking distance of the Cincinnati Museum, Tower Place Mall, Tiffany's, Saks Fifth Ave., Macy's and many other well-know places. Some helpful information...
- The hotel has a restaurant on-site where they served SBIers breakfast and offered lunch and dinner at reasonable prices. Their Café Martin offered all Starbucks beverages.
- Parking was available in the garage across the street for $5 per day.
- The hotel had no free airport shuttle service, but you could arrange to have them pick you up for a fee.
- There was a two-story fitness center on the roof overlooking the city.
Click here to download a local restaurant guide in printable PDF format.
What about the rooms and amenities?
The hotel features one-bedroom and two-bedroom condos. The suites are huge, with living room, dining room, full kitchen and two TVs. SBIers who shared a room found it comfortable with all the space and a private bedroom. Here are some need-to-know details...
- There's free high-speed Internet in bedrooms and the meeting room.
- Breakfast was included, giving everyone a great opportunity to network and get motivated for the day.
- There was a happy hour from 5:30 to 6:30 every night from Thursday to Saturday. Why was it a happy hour? Because we had an unlimited open bar with hors d'oeuvres! This was another wonderful time to network and to talk about the day's events.
And what about the costs?
Here's a rundown of the costs...
- The cost per person for a two-bedroom condo (ideal for sharing) was $98 per night.
- The cost per couple for a one-bedroom condo was $165 per night.
- The cost for single occupancy in a one-bedroom condo was $140 per night.
- The cost for conference attendance only was $45 per day.
- All costs included all taxes and service charges.
All costs included equipment and room rental fees. So whether one stayed at the hotel and paid for the room or one didn't stay at the hotel and only paid the conference fee of $45 a day, that's ALL one paid except of course for lunch, dinner and travel.
Conference Agenda
All presenters were SBIers themselves who wanted to pay it forward to fellow SBIers by sharing their expertise and Internet business ideas to the max. The presenters were also attendees themselves looking for new tips and techniques to move their online businesses forward.
Following was the detailed agenda for the Cincinnati Conference. There was a little bit of tweaking right up to the last day, so subscribers to the RSS feed stayed in the know.
Thu, Oct 22 |
04:00-08:00 |
Everyone |
Reception for all attendees |
Fri, Oct 23 |
07:00-08:30 |
Everyone |
Breakfast compliments of the Garfield Suites (for hotel guests) |
Fri, Oct 23 |
08:30-09:00 |
Kim |
Registration |
Fri, Oct 23 |
09:00-09:30 |
Kim |
Inspirational message by mystery phone guest. Official opening by Kim. |
Fri, Oct 23 |
09:30-10:00 |
Don |
How the M=TCVR formula relates to Days 1-10 of the Action Guide |
Fri, Oct 23 |
10:00-10:15 |
Everyone |
Fri, Oct 23 |
10:15-11:00 |
Don, Speakers |
Group Workshop -- Applying specifics of the formula to your business |
Fri, Oct 23 |
11:00-11:30 |
Don |
Online business self-evaluation |
Fri, Oct 23 |
11:30-Noon |
Don, Speakers |
Group workshop -- Identifying and correcting overall business shortfalls |
Fri, Oct 23 |
Noon-01:30 |
Everyone |
Fri, Oct 23 |
01:30-02:00 |
Terri |
Menu for Motivation -- Motivating yourself to get to the M |
Fri, Oct 23 |
02:00-02:30 |
Terri, Speakers |
Group workshop -- Action plan to take control of your own motivators/demotivators |
Fri, Oct 23 |
02:30-03:00 |
Debs |
Top Tips for your Master Keyword List |
Fri, Oct 23 |
03:00-03:15 |
Everyone |
Fri, Oct 23 |
03:15-04:00 |
Debs, Speakers |
Group workshop -- Your MKL Checklist |
Fri, Oct 23 |
04:00-04:30 |
Kim |
VPP-Content-Graphics Connection -- What to embrace, what to avoid |
Fri, Oct 23 |
04:30-05:00 |
Kim, Speakers |
Group workshop -- Identifying and correcting your own disconnections |
Fri, Oct 23 |
05:00-05:30 |
Kim, Speakers |
Review and wrap-up of the day |
Fri, Oct 23 |
05:30-06:30 |
Everyone |
Happy hour with drinks and hors d'oeuvres compliments of the Garfield Suites |
Fri, Oct 23 |
06:30-Drop |
Everyone |
Sat, Oct 24 |
07:00-08:30 |
Everyone |
Breakfast compliments of the Garfield Suites (for hotel guests) |
Sat, Oct 24 |
08:30-09:00 |
Kim |
Registration |
Sat, Oct 24 |
09:00-09:30 |
Debs |
Most Wanted Response -- What it is, the types, and how to get it |
Sat, Oct 24 |
09:30-10:15 |
Debs, Speakers |
Group Workshop -- Working on your own MWR |
Sat, Oct 24 |
10:15-10:30 |
Everyone |
Sat, Oct 24 |
10:30-11:00 |
Jim |
Setting up a store/shopping cart |
Sat, Oct 24 |
11:00-11:30 |
Jim, Speakers |
Group Workshop -- Setting up your own store/shoppingcart |
Sat, Oct 24 |
11:30-Noon |
Wendy |
Conference groupie's confessions and revelations |
Sat, Oct 24 |
Noon-01:30 |
Everyone |
Sat, Oct 24 |
01:30-02:00 |
Terri |
Time Tactics -- Taking the right SBI! actions for M=TCVR |
Sat, Oct 24 |
02:00-02:45 |
Terri, Speakers |
Group Workshop -- Creating your own time tactics |
Sat, Oct 24 |
02:45-03:00 |
Everyone |
Sat, Oct 24 |
03:00-04:30 |
Don |
5P affiliate opportunities in Education and Services |
Sat, Oct 24 |
04:30-05:00 |
Kim, Speakers |
Presenters Panel -- Try to stump the experts |
Sat, Oct 24 |
05:00-05:30 |
Kim, Speakers |
Review and wrap-up of the day |
Sat, Oct 24 |
05:30-06:30 |
Everyone |
Happy hour with drinks and hors d'oeuvres compliments of the Garfield Suites |
Sat, Oct 24 |
06:30-Drop |
Everyone |
Sun, Oct 25 |
07:00-08:30 |
Everyone |
Breakfast compliments of the Garfield Suites (for hotel guests) |
Sun, Oct 25 |
08:30-09:00 |
Kim |
Registration, Morning Coffee  |
Sun, Oct 25 |
09:00-09:30 |
Debs |
Creating and Testing Campaigns |
Sun, Oct 25 |
09:30-10:15 |
Debs, Speakers |
Group workshop -- Create a campaign, plan the testing and evaluation criteria |
Sun, Oct 25 |
10:15-10:30 |
Everyone |
Sun, Oct 25 |
10:30-11:30 |
Jim |
Selling Goods (hard, soft, etc.) -- From order-taking to shipping |
Sun, Oct 25 |
11:30-Noon |
Don |
Group workshop -- checking where you are on the journey using the formula |
Sun, Oct 25 |
Noon-01:30 |
Everyone |
Sun, Oct 25 |
01:30-02:00 |
Daniel, Kim |
Closing message by Daniel Kornitzer via phone. Conference closing by Kim. |
Sun, Oct 25 |
02:00-05:00 |
Everyone |
Informal gatherings of presenters and attendees on any topic |
The theme for the conference was "using C-T-P-M to make money online." Helping maintain a money focus is the M=TCVR formula revealed in San Diego. Here's how it works.
- Understanding M=TCVR and its potential to make your online revenues soar
- Increasing M, the Money you make, by increasing T, C, V and R
- Increasing T, your site Traffic, with KFPCs, Content 2.0, inbound links and other traffic boosters
- Increasing C, the Conversion rate, with great content, irresistible preselling/selling, audio/video and a clear MWR
- Increasing V, the Value of what you sell or advertize, with better products and wise use of contextual ads
- Increasing R, your Recurring sales, with follow-up sales systems such as autoresponders
- Reinforcing successful, long-term online business concepts and values
The M=TCVR concept isn't some radical offbeat idea. The formula is used in many forms by almost every business, including SiteSell. In fact, Daniel Kornitzer, CEO of SiteSell, calls it "structured common sense."
Attendees took in a presentation then went into workshop mode, with all presenters available as helpers, to do real work on their own sites. Attendees put that new online business concept into practice while it was fresh in their minds.
Internet business ideas filled the air for sure. But every attendeee was able to leave the conference with something concrete and practical because of the workshops.
Conference Presenters
Having a real online business powered by SBI! is the prime requirement to be a presenter at an SBI! conference. Look at this line-up of speakers to just imagine what attendees learned and applied to their businesses!
Kim Carroll, South Carolina, USA
Online Business Owner
Kim Carroll built two SBI! websites in a little over two years. Before that, she owned and operated her own landscape and design business called, "Inside Out." Bad knees forced her to quit her offline business. It turned out that SBI! was a match made in heaven to continue her passion and share her knowledge.
Prior to owning Inside Out, Kim worked in Interior Design, wrote a staff development program for a multi-million dollar child development center, developed a music curriculum and worked at various other jobs.
In October 2008, she oversaw the SBI! Orlando and San Diego conferences, and is overseeing the current event in Cincinnati.
Kim's online business continues to grow, all a result of the SBI! tools, as well as her own desire to share ideas for inside and outside investments. It goes without saying that she loves to help other SBIers succeed in their online endeavors.
Don Coggan, Montreal, Canada
Online Business Owner
Says Don "After too many years in engineering management and sales, I left it all cold turkey in 1996 to become an Internet business consultant." Since that time, he's developed nearly 150 Web sites, mostly in English, but also in French and Spanish.
Although still a registered professional engineer in Quebec and Ontario, Don no longer practices engineering, preferring instead to focus completely on building Web sites/businesses that really work. This means using the proven C-T-P-M methodology whether in the classroom for SiteSell Education or for clients of SiteSell Services.
He sees this as yesteryear's work in value engineering tieing in seamlessly with SiteSell's value offerings to its customers, all made possible by a team of SBI! enthusiasts handling everything from precise and reliable market research to flawless site operation. He currently devotes 100% of his time to SiteSell Education and SiteSell Services.
Terri David, Michigan
Online Business Owner
Terri holds a master's degree in business and has taught at the college level since 1999. She draws on her business experience in sales, marketing, planning and project management to make the learning atmosphere relevant to real life experience.
Her unique ability to take complicated information and make it easy to learn adds to her enthusiasm and love for teaching. Her goal is to challenge her students to succeed beyond their dreams. She quotes herself as a "non-geek" doing "geek" work. If you can turn on the computer, then you can learn how to build a successful internet site.
As an SBI! certified instructor, Terri is a pioneer in SBI!'s eLearning initiative having one of the first web-based training programs for Building a Successful Business Using the Internet.
Wendy Fisher, Shelby Twp., Michigan
Online Business Owner
Wendy has been employed with local government for 35 years. She is ready to retire... soon! Wendy says, "My SBI! websites will be a second supplemental income in retirement. I believe that Retirement and SBI! go hand in hand... keeps your brain functioning, and keeps some extra income coming in! I intend to make this my occupation (and my favorite hobby) in retirement. The last 25 years I've been a Retirement Manager at work, and I know the importance to have something to retire TO, as well as keeping retirement income flowing..."
Putting SBI! enthusiasm into practice, Wendy is the honorary SBI! Conference Groupie having attended four conferences in the last year: Orlando (Fall of 2008), San Diego (Spring of 2009), Citadel Boot Camp Training (Summer of 2009) and now Cincinnati!
Does this show you how serious she is about her retirement income? She has met many SBIers and will share their stories as well as her SBI! Conference Journey this past year. Please note the SBI! Tortoise in the photo... "I got it in Orlando! Love it!" she says.
Jim Nelson, Kentucky
Online Business Owner
Jim Nelson started his first SBI! site in 2001. Since then, in addition to building several other sites, he has enjoyed helping others get started by offering advice in the SBI! forums.
Jim is a college professor with 25+ years teaching experience. He was a coach in Chicago where participants built their SBI! sites in an intensive five-day seminar. He has taught the 10-week "Building A Successful Business Using The Internet" course, and will continue offering the course at least twice a year.
While he has seen firsthand how SBI! has helped him succeed online, one of Jim's greatest joys is to help others succeed with their own online business.
Debs Seeber, Potsdam, New York
Online Business Owner
Debs has been working full-time from home since 2006 thanks to the success of her SBI! site, She has been working part-time online since 1998 starting with her own online gift store. As a top forum contributor on the SiteSell SBI! Forums since its opening in 2004, Debs finds helping people her number one passion so becoming a part of the SiteSell Team as Director of SBI! Coaching in the Fall of 2007 was a natural fit.
She was one of the coaches at the Chicago 5-day intensive SBI! course taught in 2005 as well as one of the presenters/facilitators at the SiteSell Monetization Bootcamp held at The Citadel this year. She also presented at the first By SBIers for SBIers Caribbean Cruise Conference in 2008.
Debs has extensive experience in customer service, HTML, CSS, SEO, hardgoods, dropshipping, contextual and affiliate marketing, lead generation, paid advertising placement, MWR conversion, as well as all DAYs of the Action Guide.
Conference Registration
Please use the following form to register for the Cincinnati conference. You can also contact Kim at directly to get more information.
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